Saturday, January 29, 2011

Menu Plan

Today I decided it is time to start making up weekly menus.  I’m hoping that this will simplify my shopping and food preparation.  I need help with some food preparations and so need to plan ahead so that my attendant can do things up for me in the morning.  I’ve also noticed that when I make up a shopping list I keep forgetting things.  

I think that by knowing what I’m going to eat this week should help me make a more accurate grocery list.

I am finding it very difficult to think of different meals to write down.  I got 3 days done right away and then I am struggling with the balance of the week.

Perhaps this is a case of "practice makes perfect"..............


  1. I try to write out a weekly menu every week. With time it does get easier even though some weeks I can't seem to find anything I want to make. I'm sure practice will make perfect or at least as close to perfect as we can be.

  2. Keep trying! It gets much easier! I like to make a list of our favorite meals - then refer to that for menu ideas.
