Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

Tonight is New Year's Eve.  Doesn't seem like there is  much exciting about it for me.  I will spend the evening alone just like any other evening.

As I reflect on the last year and all that it held, I am also making plans for the new year.

I do not believe in making New Year's resolutions as for most they are empty promises to be broken.  The Scriptures teach us not to break our vows and promises.

I do hope to continue to simplify my life.  I am trying to get a handle on my eating habits to both simplify and make them healthier choices.  My lifestyle is continually being simplified.  As I get accustomed to one less thing then I will drop another.  I have cut off my sattelite dish and will rid myself of my TV when it dies.  I will not replace it.

I would also like to start blogging on a regular basis.  I guess you need to start off slow and get into the rhythm of it.

Happy New Year to all.


  1. Happy New Years to you! I hope you have an enjoyable evening. Good to see you posting. I look forward to you posting more regular in the coming year!
    God Bless,
    Lisa :O)

  2. Hi! Saw your link on the January Woman's Daybook page, and I am so glad that I did. I thinks marvelous that you are journeying toward a new awareness and style of living. I also have made that commitment of leading a fuller life with less things with a growing appreciation of how we can live in a most natural state. Oh, by the way, I haven't owned a TV in 5 years. It's terribly liberating to say the least. Keep the momentum!

